Over 30 years experience in the trade and a Which Trusted Trader.
T. 01992 643 006
Email: info@replacementkitchendoorshertfordshireandessex.co.uk
Transform Doors
Transform Doors, Unit 1, The Fairways, Brookfield Centre, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 0NJ
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Solid colours have become very common in kitchens in recent years. The downside of using flat colours is that kitchens can begin to look quite stark. Egger worktops are the perfect way to add some texture and detail to your kitchen.
Egger worktops use textured solid colours with grain and a variety of finishes to add some contrast to a space. They can also be used to make a kitchen match the design aesthetic used in the rest of the building. Watch the video on the right to see some of the finishes and styles available.