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Transform Doors
Transform Doors, Unit 1, The Fairways, Brookfield Centre, Cheshunt, Herts, EN8 0NJ
Transform Doors is the leading supplier of MISTRAL worktops in Hertfordshire and surrounding areas. They are 25mm thick solid-surface worktops that combine beautiful natural stone with an acrylic-based material. The resulting worktop is stunning to look at, extremely durable, and very practical.
One of the key benefits of installing MISTRAL worktops in kitchens is that they are extremely strong in structure and composition. They are chemical, fire and impact resistant which gives the worktop the durability necessary for even the toughest operating environments. MISTRAL worktops are also very hygienic as the acrylic surface is non-porous and jointed seamlessly. Bacteria has nowhere to hide and the worktop is easy to clean.
Because MISTRAL worktops do not have a wood substrate, they can easily be shaped to match the design of your kitchen. You can have creative curved worktops that look absolutely stunning and add a unique aspect to your kitchen.
MISTRAL worktops are available in a wide variety of colours and textures. When combined with its flexible shape, this means you can create worktops for any purpose — from dramatic kitchen islands with bright colours through to small kitchen worktops that resemble natural stone. There are also many supporting products including hob panels and up-stands.
Because MISTRAL worktops are solid, you can add custom detailing including drainer grooves near your sinks or decorative motifs. These features can be created to any depth.
The thickness of MISTRAL worktops make them ideal for framing sinks of all types. MISTRAL worktops are suitable for acrylic, ceramic, stainless steel and many other types of kitchen sinks.